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April 14, 2021
What are Github Actions ?
4min read

Github actions allows us to add CI/CD to our projects, for free ! You can build, test and deploy your code on Github thanks to a simple yaml file.

What is YAML ?

If you find yourself asking this question don't worry, I have an article for you ! Go check out How to write a YAML file !

Get started

On your code editor

Create a new folder in your project called ".github", inside add a folder called workflows and again add a main.yml or main.yaml file like follows :

- .github
	 - workflows
		 - main.yaml
- node_modules
 - public
 - src
 - package.json
 - package-lock.json

On github

You can also add a new workflow on github. In you repository go to the "Actions" tab. Github suggests you some workflows they created or created by big companies. In our case we will click on "set up a workflow yourself".

What composes a Github Action

The first thing you have to write is the name of the Action, for exemple "My First Github Action".

name: My First Github Action

You have to specify when you want the action to be triggered. It can be any type of event like push, commit, pull and much more.

name: My First Github Action

And you can write which branch you want to use :

name: My First Github Action
	 - master

Then you add "jobs" and the name of this job, for instance "build" or "deploy", but you can write whatever you want.

name: My First Github Action
	 - master

Each Github action is in fact a virtual environment, or "runner", set up for each workflow you create, so you have to specify which environment to use :

Environment YAML Label
Ubuntu 20.04 ubuntu-latest or ubuntu-20.04
Ubuntu 20.04 ubuntu-18.04
Ubuntu 16.04 ubuntu-16.04
macOS 11.0 macos-11.0
macOS 10.15 macos-latest or macos-10.15
Windows Server 2019 windows-latest or windows-2019
Windows Server 2016 windows-2016

Here we will use the ubuntu-latest like so :

name: My First Github Action
	 - master
	runs-on: ubuntu-latest

That's where the fun begins. The next step is to add... steps ! We will write different actions to be done.

The first step is to checkout the branch. First, give a name to this step and then, you can write the commands manually or as I said, use an action already created by Github.

Here I will use the action action/checkout.

name: My First Github Action
	 - master
		runs-on: ubuntu-latest
		      - name: Check out repository code
		      - uses: actions/checkout@25a956c84d5dd820d28caab9f86b8d183aeeff3d

❗ What I did here is that I referred to a specific commit of the action. You could write checkout@master but the branch will be updated and your action could end up not working. I strongly advise you to refer to a commit.

When you want to run commands, use the keyword "run". Here the Action will display the sentence "This job is now running".

name: My First Github Action
	 - master
		runs-on: ubuntu-latest
	      - name: Check out repository code
	      - uses: actions/checkout@25a956c84d5dd820d28caab9f86b8d183aeeff3d
	      - run : echo "This job is now running"

You can add variables to you action and display several information :

Example : If you wanted to display which OS is used you would call runner.os and to display the user that created the workflow you would use GITHUB_ACTOR:

name: My First Github Action
	 - master
		runs-on: ubuntu-latest
	      - name: Check out repository code
	      - uses: actions/checkout@25a956c84d5dd820d28caab9f86b8d183aeeff3d
	      - run : echo "This job is now running on ${{ runner.os }}"
	      - run : echo "This workflow was created by ${{ GITHUB_ACTOR }}"

Github Secrets

It is not very secure to add API keys, passwords or token directly into the yaml file. That is where Secrets come in handy, as they will encrypt those information.

Go to the Settings tab, and click on Secrets and click on "New repository secret".

Enter the name you want to give to that secret and its value.

You will be able to use these secrets inside your workflow like environment variables or contexts :

name: Build App
    run: yarn build
        MY_SECRET: ${{secrets.MY_SECRET}}

Here you have the basics of Github Actions, but there are lots of life things to learn ! Go check out the Documentation to know more about Github Actions.


About the author

Ludivine Achouri

Passionate web developer from France

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."

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